Holistic Medicine
Holistic medicine seeks to treat the entire person and not just the symptoms. This care method helps increase continuity of care, overall effectiveness of the treatments and may trigger the body to initiate its own natural healing processes.
Find relief from many health conditions by undergoing holistic medical treatments that are designed to rebalance your body systems in a natural and safe manner. Learn more by calling Farmington Road Chiropractic at (503)-649-9540 or booking your appointment.
What to Expect from Holistic Medical Services
Holistic chiropractic care services are much more than just relieving back pain. The knowledgeable staff at Aloha Family Chiropractic offers a whole-body treatment approach towards wellness. This can involve many different treatments and services in a comprehensive effort to deliver truly personalized holistic care for every welcome and important client.
Ailments that Holistic Medicine Services Can Help Treat
There are lots of ailments that holistic care and chiropractic services can help. These ailments include obesity, diabetes, back pain and chronic headaches including migraines. Types of Holistic Treatments include:
Chiropractic Decompression
Cold Laser Therapy
Ergonomic Assessments
Benefits of Holistic Medicine
Provides powerful pain relief
Preventative Focus
Treats the root causes of pain
Drug-free option
Low risk
Treats other conditions
Pain relief for pregnancy
Promotes good posture
Reduces depression risk
Promotes better sleep
Promotes natural energy
Helps the body heal naturally